Monday, November 10, 2008

the one where I sound like...

Barry White

Yes, you need to imagine me with a voice as low and gravely as Barry White. So much so that when my sister called me, she thought she had a wrong number. When the other sister called, she just laughed. Then when my friend called to ask me to take over for her on Sunday because she was feeling icky and pre-laryngit-al (um no, that's not a real word, but hey, the Ny-Quil is kicking in) she listened to me answer the phone and broke out in apologies instead.

I have a cold. Yikes-ola. For the last few years it's like I am an immunological nightmare. Get a cold, channel Barry White and then, in a few days, lose the voice all together. I'm almost through it now, but hey (baby) I can't get enough of your (hack hack sniiiiiff snort wheeeeeze) love. Yeah, the many times we've (cough!)ed, and we made (cough!), we shared (cough! COUGH!) and let me tell you, it is too much of a good thing, and yeah, I'm o.k. with that. Yes, it's enough baby, it's enough.

Yeah, I'm real sexy right about now.

add to sk*rt


The Pea said...

You are so funny! I hope you feel better soon. Maybe by the end of the week we will both be feeling sexy again!! Probably you more than me, I will have flubber belly for a while.

Laura said...

Feeling ya (cough)...really (cough) feeling (cough) ya!

Boy Mom said...

You're a hoot you sexy thing. Sorry about the cold sending some chicken soup vapors your way.

S'mee said...

Pea, I am getting so excited for you!!!!

ick! Yo! I hope you get feeling better soon, you still have kids at home!

S'mee said...

Oh Boy Mom! You're awesome! Thanks I have been dying for soup lately! Yum!

Robyn said...

Hope this cold goes far away! Not south though thank you!

S'mee said...

I think it may be headed *east*! 8-O

Rynell said...

I hope you feel better very soon! It is such a bummer to be sick.

Kathy P said...

That time of year when Kleenex and Niquil make up for the summer months. Hope you feel better soon.

S'mee said...

Thanks Rynell and Kathy, I'm on the mend and should be up and running very soon!