Friday, November 21, 2008

on the level

Here's that missing shot of the potty seat cover dispenser. If you know me at all you have got to know how much this drove me crazy. It was all I could do to get out of there without ripping it off the door and hot gluing it back on LEVEL!

If it weren't for the tissue roll flying over the door like a possessed demon, I probably would have gone to the nearest Target and grabbed the tools to fix it.

Oy. I need help.

add to sk*rt


The Pea said...

I am so glad you posed this.. I needed to laugh right now and I am still rolling picturing you taking this picture!!

S'mee said...

Pea! Can you imagine? I mean's not like it's a bit off, this is almost diagonal!

Robyn said...

You crack me up!

S'mee said...

I wish you would have been there...then we would have had a party.

Boy Mom said...

You're hilarious S'mee. Love the OCD tendencies. Thanks for sharing EVERY part of you trip.

Kristy said...

You crack me up. Only serious bloggers take cameras into the potty! Very funny.

LeaAnne said...

;) I knew we were friends!
I too would have gone CRAZY..
Who put it up..I mean was there some kind of a potty deadline and they had to get them all up in 1.5 minutes? ;) Thanks for the feeling of normalcy this post brings to me!

S'mee said...

Thanks everyone! It's sad, it really really is. The whole bring the camera into the potty thing is a habit instilled by Robyn, who has taught me to bring the dang thing everywhere! So blame her is what I am saying! And yup, I still get crazy just looking at the photo...ACK! Between the offset container and all the smudge marks around its edges... I am having a seizure. (and while we're on a -roll- purple? Really? Cause deep dark colours tend to make a small space feel even smaller, and gray as your tile colour...yikes. I need to stop now.)

Unknown said...

Hey, I represent that last statement! hmmmm, maybe they were a color blind relative!

S'mee said...

your blame is only in regard to training me to photograph everything!