Sunday, March 02, 2008

SoCAL Blogger Meet and Eat: INVITE INFO

Alrighty then!

Seems I missed a few folks while perusing the blogs listed in SoCAL. I didn't mean to leave folks off the guest list, it just happened. sigh. This is another reason I may not be a good party thrower. (Wow, no red underline...thought for sure 'thrower' would get something in spell check. Maybe it's more of a grammar check thing.) I am by no means "popular" or into hanging with the popular kids for fun and profit. (I'm more of a Rodney King personality. You know, "Why can't we all just get along?") Heck, I was the poster girl for "loner" in high school and frankly, adulthood ain't faring much better. It was just a mis-step on my part. Sorry.

So if I missed you, and you want to be invited next go round, drop a line in the ol' S'mee Mail Box to the right, and make sure to put SoCAL Blogger in the subject header. I will put your letter in a special file and next time we tear it up, I'll send you the info and invite.

There. Balls in your court! Peace out.

add to sk*rt


Robyn said...

So you're throwing another party??!!!

S'mee said...

C, yu didn't know??? Yes! Your house, Tuesday at 10! lol

Well, eventually yes. I think we had such a great time we should do this again pretty soon. So I'm sending it out to the universe.

Robyn said...

What I'd love to see next time: have it at the beach. Fire pit in the evening, BYOF and as many friends as possible. Also everyone needs to bring some wood.

flip flop mama said...

That sounds like a great idea!

S'mee said...

Chronicler, your idea sounds really great! You know me, How can I turn down the beach?

Jamie, It would be so great to have you there!

Susan M said...

Let's do it at Huntington Beach. :)

colleeeen said...

harrumph. i'm going inactive and i no longer believe in anything because a stranger didn't invite me to her mini bloggerfest. ;)

S'mee said...

Susan, you're on!

QUICK! Someone get the missionaries over to Colleeeen's!